Sometimes all you need a push in the right direction.
A good friend of mine, and in my opinion an excellent marketer, introduced me to the idea of taking my ideas farther. We are both recently graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University, where we studied Business with a specialization in marketing. However, we are both still very much students of marketing. We have both been using social networking and media to follow important news stories, network with professionals and to learn from those who in the industry. Social media is an emerging tool for marketers that, as part of an overall strategy, is giving us a way of reaching consumers in ways we have never seen before. The presence of organizations on social media, such as Twitter for example, gives marketers a new way to deliver and control their brand experience, and engage the consumer in a genuine, two-way relationship. To me, this last part is key: a genuine, two-way relationship. It is not about volume of posts (where you run the risk of becoming noise) or giving out special offers exclusively. It's all about providing followers with an interactive face of the company, someone who will listen and address the issues raised. It's about creating and controlling the consumers initial brand experience (we all know how important first impressions are). Critically however, it's about seeking and returning value. People will listen and follow you if you have interesting and valuable things to say. As a life-long student of marketing, I look to creating relationships using social media to enrich my knowledge.
But social media is a two-way street, which brings be back to my friend. He inspired me to take my involvement to the next level: to help create value for others in my search to enrich my own knowledge.
As long as I have known Shaminda, he has always been ahead of the curve. A man of great insight and thought, I highly recommend you read his ideas about marketing literature and topical news items. You might find he inspires you the same way he inspired me.
This is the beginning of my opportunity to grow, develop and learn as a marketer. In this blog, I will be constantly on the look out for interesting news items, thought-provoking ideas and be developing discussion about all things social marketing. If you're a liked-minded individual looking to delve deeper into social media, please continue to check back here for my "Tuesday Three" and for other news, concepts and publications. Also, feel free to connect with me on Twitter: I am always interested in new viewpoints, opinions and ideas.
Share the journey with me, I hope you enjoy as much as I do.
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step"
- Chinese proverb
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